You also get a little bit of gold for completing a match - not much, but everything helps. Leveling up your heroes (out of game) to level 5 gives you 500 gold, and completing daily quests can earn you 200 to 800 gold. Make sure you're getting everything that's owed to you - completing the tutorial gives you 1000 gold, as does reaching levels 2 and 4. So make sure you're being smart about saving gold and making purchases. Heroes of the Storm doesn't start you out completely without resources - in fact, just by playing the game you can easily earn enough in-game cash to buy several heroes, but if you spend all of your gold willy-nilly, you're liable to end up with a stable of heroes you don't necessarily like and a lot of wasted gold. Here's some tips and tricks for making the most of your gold and staying free-to-play until you're ready to make the switch. There's nothing wrong with that, but there's no reason to spend money when you don't have to.