He has a good write up of our brief adventures as a threesome this last Saturday here.
Hard to believe its been almost one year exactly since the Noob decided to ping me randomly about a mutual friend’s article on PlayOn. Wil has been chronicling our comprehensive tour of Azeroth for almost the last year. Potshot (aka Ula) and myself (aka Skronk) decided to try to get something done on our usual Saturday WoW Instance Night even though we were short handed. The other night, Wilhelm2451 (aka Vikund), Mrs.
A Year in Lockdown–Part I – potshot on A Year in Lockdown - Part II.bhagpuss on A Year in Lockdown - Part II.potshot on A Year in Lockdown - Part II.Getting Set Up with Zwift | The Ancient Gaming Noob on On April 1st, We Ride.